Last update: 21. April 2017
name: Gottschalk-Gleser dictionary?
author: Gottschalk, Gleser
literature: Gleser GC, Gottschalk LA, and Springer KJ: An anxiety scale applicable to verbal samples. Archives of General Psychiatry 1961; 5: 593-605.
software format: PCAD
number of categories: unknown
number of search patterns: unknown
language: English
text genre: specific
Category details:
- Anxiety (including Death, Mutilation, Separation, Guilt, Shame, and Diffuse Anxiety subscales)
- Hostility Outward (including Overt Hostility, Covert Hostility, and Total Hostility Outward subscales
- Hostility Inward
- Ambivalent Hostility (hostility originating externally and directed towards the self)
- Social Alienation-Personal Disorganization
- Cognitive Impairment
- Hope
- Depression (with 7 subscales)