Last update: 3. October 2023
name: tone of a verbal message
author: Roderick P. Hart
literature: missing
software format: Diction, built-in
number of categories: 5 main and 35 sub categories
number of search patterns: 10000
language: English
text genre: specific
Category details:
- Certainty: Language indicating resoluteness, inflexibility, and completeness and a tendency to speak ex-cathedra.
- Activity: Language featuring movement, change, the implementation of ideas and the avoidance of inertia.
- Optimism: Language endorsing some person, group, concept or event or highlighting their positive entailments
- Commonality: Language highlighting the agreed-upon values of a group and rejecting idiosyncratic modes of engagement.
- Realism: Language describing tangible, immediate, recognizable matters that affect people’s everyday lives